Lizard Attack

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I’m very anti killing any sort of creature. Sometimes though, if they pose a mortal threat to humans around here or any of my feathered and furred horde, I do assist them off this mortal coil. Like the one and a half metre mamba in my office that I nearly stood on last year. Can’t have snakes that can have you dead in a couple of hours in or around the house.

A huge monitor lizard has been popping up around and about lately scaring the crap out of everyone. I was hoping that he’d just go away. No such luck though. I chased him out of the palm tree the other day, where he was ripping open weaver nests and eating the baby birds. Actually I threw a candle holder at him from the window I spotted him from, not being keen to go near the nasty looking bugger. They’re pretty vicious if you go near them and this one was the size of a medium dog. The candle holder worked though – he headed off and I forgot about him.

Yesterday in the middle of slaving over a hot computer I suddenly didn’t “feel right”. I know that sounds mad – it felt mad too, but something definitely just seemed wrong. Thinking that I’d lost my last marble again, I took myself off to make some tea. Looking out of the window, I saw five of my chickens standing still as statues with their necks stretched right out. This weird little scenario was more than enough to have me zooming out to see what was causing it. When I reached them they just eyeballed me, unfroze, and went about their business.

Unsuspecting me then headed into the henhouse to check for eggs, and turning the corner, nearly stood on bloody Godzilla as he prepared to chomp down on a terrified hen cowering in the corner. He immediately hissed, turned, and sprang at me. Obviously I let out a bloodcurdling yell and ran like hell, brave soul that I am. This brought Dzingy (who works in the garden) rushing over brandishing a large pole, and the dog brandishing some large teeth. Everyone leapt into the fray. I tried really hard to get Sprite away from the lizard, but for once he totally ignored me, and I had visions of his face clamped in those powerful hissing lizard jaws. Fortunately Dzingy quickly whacked it a mean shot on the head with his pole, taking it down and killing it instantly.

Sprite’s behaviour was an eye-opener though. A really Lassie kind of moment. His mother was a huge German Shepherd bred specifically to be a security dog, and quite scary, but his dad was my beloved old softy Labrador, Odin. I always thought that Sprite totally took after his father. He’s generally very sweet, plays and buggers about and wouldn’t harm a fly. The chickens swipe bits of meat right out from under his nose, and one of them always hangs around with him, pecking at spots on his coat. He just sighs and carries on. Yesterday he was total attack dog as far as that lizard was concerned. He was not having it in his henhouse. Good for him! So he got an extra big bone to share with his chicken buddy after that. Thank goodness I got my ominous feeling when I did though – mad or not – if I had arrived a few seconds later, I would have lost one of the horde. And we can’t have that.


19 thoughts on “Lizard Attack

    LucyPireel said:
    April 13, 2013 at 10:13 am

    Jo Dearie, once again you amaze me with a very entertaining read. Showing how you live in a beautiful, but potentially dangerous place for unsuspecting humans and feathered friends.
    Take care my friend and do not ignore those feelings, ever! xoxo


    Jane Fritz said:
    April 13, 2013 at 12:46 pm

    OMG, when we had chickens we had rat attacks and stray dog attacks, but happily no monitor lizards! OMG!!!!


      jorobinson176 responded:
      April 13, 2013 at 12:55 pm

      Ha haaa! Did rats actually attack your chickens? Wow! 🙂


        Jane Fritz said:
        April 13, 2013 at 9:09 pm

        Rats ATE something like 20 of our 50 young chicks one year. I wrote about it in my post called Lessons learned from raising chickens. I am not a big fan of rats!


          jorobinson176 responded:
          April 17, 2013 at 2:56 am

          Devastating! I don’t like them either. I read once that in an infested area they bit a sleeping baby’s face open. I’ll make sure they can’t get at my horde!


      jorobinson176 responded:
      April 13, 2013 at 12:57 pm

      Is that a birdie on your shoulder Jane?


        Jane Fritz said:
        April 13, 2013 at 9:10 pm

        You got it! It’s my alter ego, Robby Robin. I Photoshopped him onto my shoulder. I haven’t managed to train a real robin quite yet!


          jorobinson176 responded:
          April 17, 2013 at 3:08 am

          Cute! I think my birds have trained me rather than the other way around. 😀


    jorobinson176 responded:
    April 13, 2013 at 12:47 pm

    Thank you lovely Lucy. That was really odd. I totally felt that something wasn’t right. Must have been a chicken guardian angel giving me a nudge. 😀 xxxxx


    cicampbell2013 said:
    April 13, 2013 at 1:56 pm

    How different your life is to mine, Jo. I love to hear about it…but wouldn’t fancy living where there are black mambas, monitor lizards & such. Shudder! I’m a total wimp with things like that.


      jorobinson176 responded:
      April 17, 2013 at 2:51 am

      I’m a bit of a wimp too though – I generally run first, but not far if any of the animals need help. The chickens aren’t scared of snakes, which is a bit disturbing. I found them all bunched up, faces to the ground by some pot plants. There was a young adder sprawled behind and luckily they were having a squiz at its middle bit and not the pointy bit. They must have thought it was a really big worm. 😀


    adelesymonds said:
    April 13, 2013 at 7:05 pm

    Glad everything worked out fine for you Jo


      jorobinson176 responded:
      April 17, 2013 at 2:53 am

      Thanks Adele. I always wonder what will pop up next! 😀


    Vashti Quiroz-Vega said:
    April 14, 2013 at 7:00 am

    Phew! You’re brave! That’s all I have to say.


      jorobinson176 responded:
      April 17, 2013 at 3:07 am

      Ha haa! You should have seen me sprint first! 😀


    roseshadows said:
    April 16, 2013 at 8:16 pm

    Reblogged this on roseshadows and commented:
    This is scary, what a brave woman you are Jo!
    Here in the UK my youngest has just got a crested gecko that is about five inches long and my other daughter has a snake….all I know is that it is red!!! She covers it up when I visit.


      jorobinson176 responded:
      April 17, 2013 at 3:04 am

      I love geckos. We have them around and about eating mosquitoes – cute little guys. Not so keen on snakes though. A friend of ours also keeps two non-poisonous ones as pets, but they give me the proper willies. 🙂


    ghostbusterbev said:
    May 2, 2013 at 3:49 pm

    Thank you for sharing this story…I had no idea that lizards would actually prey on chickens! I recall rescuing hens from foxes years ago when my husband and I did some small time farming. It is a wonderful lifestyle to raise animals and observe their habits.


      jorobinson176 responded:
      May 2, 2013 at 3:56 pm

      Thanks Bev! This monitor was about the size of a cocker spaniel, and they really are vicious little sods. Friends had a couple of chickens just ripped to shreds and not eaten. It’s so lovely to raise animals – you’re right. The chickens themselves are amazing – swiping the dog’s meat all the time. Carnivores!


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