Could Even Be Your Buddy

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I read a thing where a scientist monitored the brains of professional writers and non-professional writers while they were writing. Non-pros brains appeared to be visualising what they wrote, and the pucker scribbers brains appeared to be narrating what they wrote. I have absolutely no clue what that means, but it just goes to show. Anyway.

Whether I’m writing or editing, if I get disturbed for long enough and a couple of days goes by without me getting on with what I’m doing, I can’t just carry on from where I left off. I have to backtrack and go over notes before I can get going again. If I have enough interruptions, and lately there have been many, I’ll sometimes work on one of my newer WIPs instead – my books for 2015 and beyond – rather than go to all that trouble only to have some new thing arrive to take me away for days again.

The one I fiddled with a bit today got me thinking though. Most of my mainstream books have some dark characters in them, and dark life situations too. I can’t imagine writing anything other than what I either have experience with or what I’ve researched, and my readers will never know which parts I’m writing because I’ve lived something like it, seen it, or because I’ve studied it – because I’m not likely to tell. Keeps things interesting.

Most people believe that other people must have some good in them, because we tend to use our own characters as examples. None of us can say that we’ve never been rotten tools, and if you can – well – jolly well done to you! A lot of behavior that is bad, and to be avoided at all costs, I’ve learned from doing myself. But I do learn, and regret that I’ve done these things, and I never do them again, just as we all learn and grow.

But there really are people out there – quite a lot of them – who don’t have the capacity for good at all, because they not only lack the ability to love anyone other than themselves, but because they get actual pleasure from causing mental or physical suffering in others. I zoomed over to Amazon and bought a couple of books on the subject, and I must say that that was the most shocking thing I learned today.

So many people are in short or long term relationships with these people, or have them in their families, and always believe that they are just a bit selfish, or see things differently, or are shy, or have been abused themselves, when in actual fact they are soulless, absolutely incapable of any empathy whatsoever, somewhat demonic, and very coldly interested in the destruction of others, all the while worshiping at their own alters, believing themselves to be deserving of the best of everything, and more attractive, intelligent, and deserving than anyone else. So the most shocking thing I discovered at the end of all this was that these people ENJOY the results of their casual and sometimes not so casual hurting of others. They like to see you broken – thinking that you’re the one who isn’t right in the head. They make an effort to put you in that place. They’re real people, and trotting about studying the rest of us so that they can copy what it looks like to have a soul. Unfortunately most of those who they destroy will never know what they are, because we project our own humanity onto these evil, empty vessels.

So guess which WIP has just been moved right into my current batch to be published with the first five. Hah! Love this scribbling thing.


45 thoughts on “Could Even Be Your Buddy

    The Story Reading Ape said:
    July 3, 2014 at 3:54 pm

    Arrogance for Dummies?
    Once upon a Psychopath?
    An Idiot in Paris?
    You have so many WIPs on the go Jo – I can’t guess lol 😀


      jorobinson176 responded:
      July 4, 2014 at 3:04 am

      I like ALL of those titles, and will nick them at will – Once Upon a Psycopath. 😀 😀 This one’s working title is The Music Died, but that’s probably a bit common. 😀


    belsbror said:
    July 3, 2014 at 3:58 pm

    Very interesting read. 🙂
    Many people needs the attention. If they cannot do it as a good person, they resort to terrible deeds.


      jorobinson176 responded:
      July 4, 2014 at 3:02 am

      Thank you my friend. 🙂 I’m seriously thinking that a couple of leaders of countries are this way – if you look at what some of them do to their own people, it makes sense that they must have something very wrong with them.


        belsbror said:
        July 4, 2014 at 6:37 pm

        If they’re thinking for their people, then they should listen to what the people ask of them, Leaders will only be good if they were once good followers.


          jorobinson176 responded:
          July 5, 2014 at 11:39 am

          True, true! It really knocked my socks off thinking that one person who really gets a lot of happiness from directly causing any sort of suffering must get a lot of joy from having a whole country of souls to hurt.


            belsbror said:
            July 5, 2014 at 1:32 pm

            Just like the saying: Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
            As a comforting thought to the victims, such leaders will be reviled for eternity.


    sondasmcschatter said:
    July 3, 2014 at 4:00 pm

    Reblogged this on sondasmcschatter and commented:


      jorobinson176 responded:
      July 4, 2014 at 3:00 am



    Green Embers said:
    July 3, 2014 at 4:05 pm

    Whoa, that sounds scary. 😯


      jorobinson176 responded:
      July 4, 2014 at 2:59 am

      I’ve still got the willies. 😀 Not cool that someone you know or love could be cold and dead inside & getting great kicks from manipulating and nobbling people for their personal pleasure.


    Lawrence Grodecki said:
    July 3, 2014 at 4:36 pm

    Very intriguing and sadly true…and some amazing art…is that one of yours Jo? Is it the basis of a possible cover?


      jorobinson176 responded:
      July 4, 2014 at 2:58 am

      I got the original from Dreamstime Lawrence, and I’ve been fiddling with it as a possible background for this books cover. The original actually has an eyeball on it, but these days I’m thinking that I might have a go at making something myself from scratch – maybe find some patience for a change. 😉


        Lawrence Grodecki said:
        July 4, 2014 at 3:08 am

        Well if you need a hand let me know, not sure I can help but it would fun to try. By the way I kind of like the new nickname, “Dreamstime Lawrence” – but you should check your memory, cuz that’s not one of mine! 😉


          jorobinson176 responded:
          July 4, 2014 at 3:14 am

          LOL! I left out a comma! 😀 I’ve been meaning to ask you if I could commission something dragon related from you, but life keeps on tripping me up. 😀


            Lawrence Grodecki said:
            July 4, 2014 at 4:48 am

            No, I don’t think I could do that on commission, only as a favor. Send me some images when you get a chance and we can talk and go from there. 🙂

            PS – I’m not 100% sure it would work, but it’s worth a try.


              jorobinson176 responded:
              July 5, 2014 at 11:56 am

              That would be lovely thank you Lawrence! And I could buy prints from your site too if you loaded it there. I’ll email you images – prepare to be spammed! 😀 X


    Smorgasbord - Variety is the Spice of Life. said:
    July 3, 2014 at 7:08 pm

    Sadly true, and sometimes too close to you. Much to bolster their own low self esteem – sometimes bullies grow up and think they are still in the playground. I can see all the hands going up – not me, not me….. Whatever you write will be terrific – and if one is brought forward it is because it is its time….XX


      jorobinson176 responded:
      July 4, 2014 at 2:55 am

      Thank you lovely Sally! I don’t have any pity for certain rotters anymore now. I’ve really always thought that these people must have had something terrible happen to them in their own lives that twisted them, but reading a couple of these things it seems that they’re just made that way. I got totally disgusted at the thought of someone actually messing with another person’s life purposefully to harm their mind or body, and then getting some sort of sick and twisted joy from that. Makes you look at people in a totally new way. XXXX


    Cynthia Reyes said:
    July 3, 2014 at 9:54 pm

    Hey JO: Since recent studies have declared that many CEO’s are sociopaths, maybe you could make that character a CEO of a large or medium sized company?


      jorobinson176 responded:
      July 4, 2014 at 2:49 am

      I like that idea – they often seem to be successful at what they do. All part of the need to be worshipped and adored.


    sknicholls said:
    July 3, 2014 at 9:55 pm

    I think I read that same article. Have you ever read The Psychopath Test by Jon Ronson? It is nonfiction but reads like a fiction novel. Funny stuff. He examines several cases of true psychopaths and studies how and why. He reviews some Christian Science positions on the matter as well. Cracked me up.

    Some of my favorite stories are bad people redeemed. I guess that goes back to Moses.


      jorobinson176 responded:
      July 4, 2014 at 2:46 am

      Just bought it! I never thought about what psychopaths in positions of power could do – they would then have a good laugh at ruining whole countries – now a couple come to mind. 😀


        sknicholls said:
        July 4, 2014 at 3:28 am

        She’s right about CEOs as you will read in his book. Psychopaths make the best CEOs.


          jorobinson176 responded:
          July 5, 2014 at 11:58 am

          Thinking back to some of my bosses, I’m pretty sure I knew a good couple of them too! I can’t wait to get stuck into the book – just got a couple to read and review first though. 🙂


    Sherri said:
    July 4, 2014 at 9:48 am

    These would be narcissistic psychopaths? As in every day cold, unfeeling, utterly selfish, manipulative and lacking any empathy psychopaths, not even the murderous types. Studies show that narcissism in on the rise and I don’t disagree with that. Great fodder for creating characters though!
    I’m the same as you with those distractions Jo. I have so many that sometimes I feel paralysed and have to fight through to go back to my writing as I don’t want to have to start, get the juices flowing , and then have to break off…again! So frustrating. Still, perhaps it has its uses…as you share here! Have a lovely weekend my wonderful friend. Tons of love and hugs… ❤ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ❤ 🙂


      jorobinson176 responded:
      July 5, 2014 at 11:51 am

      Yes – the narcissistic psychopaths. I sort of had general ideas on what sort of “people” they were, but I really didn’t realise that there was so much info on them out there. They’re like some sort of plague – pretending to be really cool, and being liked by lots of people, apart from those poor souls who don’t realise that they’ve been living with a mean, manipulating psycho for years. Really got my gander up. I’ve already got the buggers as characters in a couple of scribbles – I just never realised that there was a name for them. Pucker soulless vampires.

      I’m with you on the terror and immobility! I find it especially hard to write well when I know that I have a pile of other things lurking around waiting to be done, so instead of doing something constructive, I head off to the west. LOL! 😛 We’re a funny old couple of peas in a pod. LOVE and HUGS and a beautiful weekend! ❤ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ❤ 🙂 😀


    Sue Dreamwalker said:
    July 4, 2014 at 2:59 pm

    Yes Jo there are a lot of empty vessels out there who mindlessly hurt others… But there are more people who care who just don’t get to be heard… So I hope there is Hope for humanity…
    Wishing you a peaceful weekend. and thank you for the Likes.


      jorobinson176 responded:
      July 5, 2014 at 11:43 am

      It’s souls like you who give us hope Sue. You’re so right about there being more good people around – I love lots and lots of them. 😀 It’s good that we recognise these empty vessels though – they should be totally left in the cold where they can’t inflict their nasty selves on innocents. A beautiful weekend to you Sue. ❤


        Sue Dreamwalker said:
        July 6, 2014 at 5:57 pm

        Sometimes I think these empty vessels are soul-less Jo.. there is no other word I can describe those who do abominable things to other humans.. They have no conscious ..
        I hope your weekend was a good one too.. xox 🙂


          jorobinson176 responded:
          July 10, 2014 at 8:13 am

          From what I’ve read they actually are aware that what they’re doing is wrong (because they pretend to be normal in public), but they get a kick out of causing hurt, and they aren’t capable of feeling empathy. I definitely agree that they are without souls Sue – and not to be tolerated at all. Thank you, and a lovely, lovely week to you. HUGS 🙂 XX


            Sue Dreamwalker said:
            July 14, 2014 at 2:52 pm

            I did Jo, I cut off from the internet and painted gardened and walked and just chilled inbetween work days.. Hope all is well with you too xox Sue


    Smorgasbord - Variety is the Spice of Life. said:
    July 5, 2014 at 10:36 am

    Reblogged this on Smorgasbord – Variety is the spice of life and commented:
    Well worth a read – most of us have or have had someone in our lives who makes us feel less than we are. Sometimes they are attached to us by strings too strong to cut completely but whenever possible cut them free to poison another tree. Tell them why though – it might just prevent them continuing with their destructive behaviour.


      jorobinson176 responded:
      July 5, 2014 at 11:34 am

      Spot on Sally! Thanks for reblogging! It never occurred to me before until I read it, that these people are totally aware that what they do is wrong, and they do it on purpose because they like it. Totally disgusted me – it’s a shame that they get away with messing really good people’s lives up. X


    mihrank said:
    July 5, 2014 at 6:24 pm

    Reblogged this on mihran Kalaydjian and commented:
    Could Even Be Your Buddy


    Carole Parkes said:
    July 6, 2014 at 10:08 pm

    Reblogged this on New Author -Carole Parkes and commented:
    This sounds like one of the characters in my book.


      jorobinson176 responded:
      July 10, 2014 at 8:10 am

      Thanks for sharing Carole! I’ve also got a couple of these nasties in a couple of stories – at least they’re good for some little thing. 😀


        Carole Parkes said:
        July 10, 2014 at 8:55 am

        I’m always willing to share interesting posts Jo and yours was one of them.


          jorobinson176 responded:
          July 10, 2014 at 9:07 am

          That’s a lovely thing to say – thank you Carole! I reckon we have very similar opinions. 🙂


    cicampbell2013 said:
    July 10, 2014 at 7:35 am

    Interesting, Jo.


      jorobinson176 responded:
      July 10, 2014 at 8:08 am

      It really is Christine. It’s funny when you read about it as an actual mental issue, and not just normal people with bad attitudes. 😀 All the reading says to drop these guys like hot potatoes, because they really, really are bad. 🙂 X


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